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Pandemic EBT

Frequently Asked Questions for the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Food Benefits

Answers to many commonly asked questions about the P-EBT food benefits for New York State residents for the 2021-22 school year, Summer 2022, and Summer 2023.


Using Your P-EBT Food Benefits

General Information


What are P-EBT food benefits?

The Continuing Appropriations Act of 2021 and Other Extensions Act reauthorized the payment of P-EBT food benefits to households with children who would have received free school meals under the National School Lunch Act, if not for a reduction in in-person learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These temporary food benefits were provided to help cover the cost of meals children would have otherwise received at school during the 2021-22 school year, and for the Summer 2022 and Summer 2023 periods.

While P-EBT food benefits are not SNAP benefits, they can only be used to purchase the same food items that can be purchased with SNAP benefits. A detailed list of food items that may be purchased with food benefits can be found at https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligible-food-items/.

When will my eligible child receive P-EBT food benefits?

All P-EBT food benefits for eligible children have been issued.

Using Your P-EBT Food Benefits

How do I access P-EBT food benefits if they are on a P-EBT Food Benefit card?

To access your P-EBT food benefits using a P-EBT Food Benefit card, you must have a Personal Identification Number (PIN). It is important that you follow the directions for selecting a PIN to be able to access your food benefits.

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to hold on to your P-EBT Food Benefit card in the event that additional food benefits are issued to your child in the future.

Protect your benefits by changing your PIN often, and never give your EBT card number or PIN to anyone. To learn more about protecting your benefits from theft, visit the EBT Scam Alert webpage and view the Act Fast EBT Skimming Video.

How do I order a replacement P-EBT Food Benefit card?

Replacement P-EBT Food Benefit cards should only be requested when the previously issued card has been lost, stolen or damaged.