HR Checklist: The 7 pillars of human resources

Ensure your HR strategy covers all the bases we have in this HR checklist. Human Resource Management (HRM) or simply 'HR' is the organisational department tasked with managing people to achieve optimal performance.

An efficiently run human resource department can provide the structure needed to achieve business goals through managing your company’s most valuable asset – employees. In order to do this, there are quite a few boxes you need to tick across seven essential functions of HR.

In our HR checklist below, we provide a discussion of each functional area with suggested action steps.

HR Checklist

1. Recruitment and selection

Recruitment and selection are the most visible aspects of HRM practices to those outside the company. Hiring talent who fits in with the organisational culture is imperative to continued growth. But, to hire the most talented staff they must first be identified and engaged – a challenging task in this competitive market. If not done correctly, the company’s recruiting efforts can result in unqualified applicants, applicants who lack diversity, or who decline offers.

HR checklist actions:

2. Performance management

Performance management is the process of improving performance through feedback, reviews and goal-setting and tracking. It’s important for management to clearly define performance expectations or collaboratively set goals with employees, as employees can’t hit an invisible target!

Communicating expectations and providing constructive criticism help to build and maintain employee morale. Employees who are empowered to reach their full potential and provided with support to overcome barriers increase their productivity, work more efficiently and deliver quality work, all of which improve the profit margin of the business.

HR checklist actions:

intelliHR’s automated performance summary reports provide a historical view of an employee’s achievements, goals and feedback.

3. Learning and Development

Learning and development is that part of human resource management tasked with aligning employees’ performance with that of the company.

Those responsible for learning and development need to identify knowledge or skill gaps among employees (whether those gaps arise from a change in processes, new technology, or upcoming legal regulations) and develop and deliver training to close those gaps. In this way, learning and development policies help employees to re-skill and up-skill, thereby offering opportunities for future company growth.

HR checklist actions:

4. Compensation and benefits

Fair and equitable compensation is a critical factor in attracting and retaining top talent. While compensation is a key to offer negotiation and retention, it must be balanced with line budgets and profit margins of the company.

The HRM team should monitor pay increases and set standards based on compensation analysis both within the sector and across geographic locations.

Primary vs secondary compensation

Compensation is comprised of primary and non-primary compensation.

HR checklist actions:

We recommend conducting routine salary audits (i.e. every year) and adjusting the salary bands to be competitive within profit margins. Here are the things you’ll need to consider:

5. Succession planning

Succession planning is the process of developing contingencies in the event an employee resigns or retires from the company. For example, if a senior manager leaves, having a ready replacement ensures continuity and saves both real and opportunity costs.

Succession planning is frequently based on talent pipeline and performance reviews. Building and nurturing the talent pipeline and developing leadership skills in all employees is an important task for both managers and human resources staff. This can take the form of learning and development opportunities or mentorship by a senior leader and exposure to different company departments.

HR checklist actions:

6. HR Software / Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Human Resource Information Systems are tools that carry out HR programs and activities more efficiently. An HRIS supports all HR functions we discussed above. For example, Performance Management Tools can help evaluate and support employee performance, and a Learning Management System (LMS) helps monitor employee goals and records performance scores and ratings.

HR checklist actions: Consider the following when choosing an HRIS (and try to avoid these 3 mistakes!).

Model your attrition over time and filter down on specifics like tenure, pay grade and gender.

Employee information : most of today’s HRIS platforms give employees and managers access to their HR information. This self-service feature allows employees to update personal information, download pay slips and complete timesheets without the need to call HR.

intelliHR’s self service employee profile is the source of truth for employee records and information.

7. Diversity and inclusion

Diversity is any factor that can be used to differentiate people and groups.

A culture of diversity in the workplace is about empowering employees by valuing what makes them different, whether that be age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender or national origin.

Inclusion means fostering a culture that nurtures these differences in a psychologically safe and supportive environment. Inclusion moves beyond tolerance to ensure that employees truly value difference by embracing and celebrating the enrichment that diversity brings to the entire organisation and the community in which it operates.

HR checklist actions:


The seven basic functions of HR in this HR checklist are not mutually exclusive but interact and affect each other. Think of the seven core processes of HR as links in a chain – strong management of each element contributes to the strength of the hiring process and employee experience as a whole. Collectively, these HR components enable employees across an organisation to reach optimum performance while also establishing a culture of diversity recognition, reward and transparency.