Solid Waste Planning

Bergen County Utilities Authority

On September 28, 2023 The Bergen County Utilities Authority, the agency responsible for the implementation of the Bergen County Solid Waste Management Plan, as amended, shall hold a public hearing relating to a proposed amendment to the Bergen County District Solid Waste Management Plan. The hearing shall be held on September 28, 2023 at the Borough of Oakland, 10 Lawlor Drive, Oakland, New Jersey, 07436, at 1:30 PM in the Municipal Court/Council Chambers. A draft copy of the proposed Amendment will be available after September 8, 2023, at The Bergen County Utilities Authority Administration Building, Foot of Mehrhof Road, Little Ferry, New Jersey and the Bergen County Utilities Authority web site at

The following proposed Plan Amendment will be considered:

The Bergen County District Solid Waste Management Plan is hereby amended to incorporate the Oakland Materials, LLC Class B Recycling Facility, Block 5, Lot 103, 342 West Oakland Avenue, Oakland, New Jersey 07436. Expressly subject to the permits, approvals, consent orders, registrations and/or certificates issued by the governmental subdivisions/agencies exercising jurisdiction, said Facility shall be permitted to accept up to a maximum daily facility capacity of 900 tons per day of Class B Recyclables and a maximum weekly facility capacity of 4,500 tons per week of Class B Recyclables. Class B Recyclables shall be limited to those materials as detailed in N.J.A.C. 7:26A-1.3.

The Bergen County Utilities Authority shall hear all persons interested in the proposed Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment and shall consider any and all comments or written objections that may be filed and any evidence which may be introduced in support of the objection, or any opposition to the adoption of the Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment, for the Bergen County Solid Waste Management District. Further information is available from The Bergen County Utilities Authority, Solid Waste Division. Please contact Richard Wierer, District Solid Waste Coordinator, at (201) 807-5818.

Please click on the following links for copies of the draft Plan Amendment and Public Hearing Notices

Plan Amendments

By way of resolution of the Bergen County Board of Commissioners dated December 23, 1983, the Bergen County Utilities Authority (BCUA) was designated as the agency responsible for the implementation of the Bergen County District Solid Waste Management Plan. In addition, Article IX of the Administrative Code of the County of Bergen continues and expands BCUA’s solid waste responsibilities. Accordingly, the BCUA is the agency that reviews any proposed modifications or amendments to the existing Bergen County District Solid Waste Management Plan. After such review, the BCUA recommends to the Bergen County Board of Commissioners whether any proposed modification or amendment to the existing Solid Waste Management Plan should be adopted.

Once recommended by the BCUA, the proposed amendment is considered by the Bergen County Solid Waste Advisory Council (SWAC). After consideration by the advisory council, the proposed amendment is forwarded to the Board of Commissioners.

Once adopted by the Bergen County Board of Commissioners , the proposed amendment is transmitted to the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for certification and final approval. Through this procedure, any proposed amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan must undergo four levels of review:

Bergen County Board of Commissioners
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Applications for amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan may be obtained by calling Richard Wierer, Director of Solid Waste Management at 201-807-5818 or