What is the difference beween a DMIR ((broken link removed)) and an AR (Authorized Representative)? Both work on behalf of the ODAR but the work appears to be identical. Is it the function codes that can be assigned? Under ODA, do both DMIR and AR become "unit member"? I'm not a disignee but I work closely with many and can't seem to get a consistent answer.
Elsmar Forum SponsorThe ODAR designation has been replaced with the ODA (Ref. 8100.15). For those ODAR's that did not transition to ODA by the drop-dead date last year, their Airworthiness Representatives could have become (or reverted back to) DMIR's and continued to perform their designee functions. If you did transition and get an ODA approval (as we did) your Airworthiness Representatives became Unit Members under the ODA.
ODAR = Airworthiness Representative. obsolete
ODA = Unit Member
By the way, their are six types of ODA (PC, TC, STC, TSO, PMA, and MRA) with numerous and distinct function codes for each. Unit Members have defined function codes under each approved ODA type.
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