NOTE: This overview is not meant to substitute for the step-by-step process instructions in the Migrator for Notes to Exchange Scenarios Guide . The material here is intended to familiarize you with Migrator for Notes to Exchange and the contexts in which its components are typically used. See the Scenarios Guide for step-by-step process instructions.
This section describes a typical migration scenario using Migrator for Notes to Exchange to migrate to a local, proprietary Exchange target. Details and flow charts for this process appear in chapter 2 of the Migrator for Notes to Exchange Scenarios Guide . In this example, an administrator performs the migrations for a series of user groups with no user input or interaction so the Self-Service Desktop Migrator (SSDM) is not used.
You also install the Quest Coexistence Manager for Notes (CMN), and run its Directory Connector to perform a directory update between the source and target servers. This process creates mail-enabled accounts (contacts) in Active Directory for all Notes users. The CMN Directory Connector does not create mail boxes , but its directory update provisions new mail-enabled contacts in Active Directory, which associates the existing user Notes addresses with their corresponding new objects in AD. The new objects are said to be “mail-enabled” because Exchange can now accept mail addressed to these user Notes addresses and route it to the corresponding mailboxes on the Domino server.
MNE provisioning, migration, and other features are applied to collections of users and distribution groups. A collection is a defined subset of the users or groups that the Directory Export Wizard has found in the Notes/Domino environment. These collections are created and characterized using the Collection Wizard, so you now run the Collection Wizard to define user and group collections.
In this scenario, Active Directory already existed with user accounts before you ran the CMN Directory Connector, so the newly created Exchange contacts coexist with existing AD user accounts for the same users. Migrator for Notes to Exchange provides a Provisioning Wizard that can consolidate duplicates before any data is migrated. The merge process requires the data that was exported from the Notes directory, so you run the Provisioning Wizard to perform the merges for the exported Noted users.
User archives and PABs are stored on local user hard drives so, before migration, users copy them to centralized, accessible locations where the Data Migration Wizard can find them. MNE includes a PAB Replicator Wizard that automates this process for the end-user PABs. After the files are copied, you run the Locate Data Stores Wizard to identify all the Notes mail files, archives, and PABs before migration. An administrator can review and assess the volume of data to be migrated from the captured data within Notes Migration Manager .
If the organization has experienced any staff additions or changes since the last run of the Directory Export Wizard , you perform two updating tasks before the next run of the Data Migration Wizard :